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Address and prevent Airway Disorders while straightening your child's teeth, without braces.

The VIVOS Guides System

What is the VIVOS Guides system?


The Guides System is the latest generation of appliances that treat Airway Disorders while straightening teeth by guiding your child's growth naturally. It's the culmination of over 50 years of clinical research and a large patient base.

Who should consider the VIVOS Guides?

9 out of 10 children are currently affected by some level of Breathing Disorders. Left untreated, they can lead to more serious health conditions and prevent your child's proper development. The Guides System addresses these issues at this crucial development stage.

What are the signs of Breathing Disorders?

  • Mouth breathing

  • ADHD/ADD symptoms

  • Bedwetting

  • Aggressive behaviour/moodiness/irritability

  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)/clenching

  • Night terrors/nightmares

  • Swollen adenoids/tonsils

  • Crooked/misaligned teeth

  • Dry mouth

  • Snoring

  • Chronic allergies

  • Sleepy/tired during the day

  • Venous pooling (dark circles under the eyes)

  • Frequent headaches

  • Restless sleep

  • Speech problems

  • Lack of concentration/focus

  • Overbite/crossbite

  • Picky eater

Image by Steven Libralon
Woman Sleeping

A multidisciplinary therapeutic protocol for the treatment of sleep disordered breathing including mild-to-moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

The Vivos System is an advanced therapeutic protocol, which combines the use of oral appliance specifications developed by Vivos and prescribed by specially-trained independent dentists in cooperation with their medical colleagues.

Common treatment options for patients diagnosed with OSA such as CPAP, advancement appliances or surgical implants often require a lifetime of intervention and nightly use in order to be effective, and over time they can worsen the patient's condition.

Studies have shown, patients treated using The Vivos System have experienced significant improvement in OSA symptoms. In most cases, no further treatment intervention is required.



Although not tolerated well and compliance is often very low, continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP provides an alternative to relieve symptoms of OSA. CPAP is requires a lifetime of treatment.


Surgical Implant

Surgical implants are designed to function like a pacemaker offer an alternative to relieve symptoms of OSA. This relatively new technology requires outpatient surgery. Surgery often has inherent risks. The implant must be used to be effective and requires a lifetime of intervention.


Snoring Appliance

Oral appliances, which have been in use for more than a decade to reduce snoring are often effective, however they require a lifetime of use and may present long-term complications.

The VIVOS advantage


CPAP machines, surgical implants and snoring appliances only address the symptoms of sleep apnea and can actually worsen it over time.

But the Daytime-Nighttime Appliance (DNA) system from Vivos corrects the underlying issue that causes airway obstruction by gradually expanding and remodelling the patient’s craniofacial structure. This creates the necessary room in the mouth and airway for you to breathe comfortably throughout the night.

The DNA system is designed in accordance with the concept of Pneumopedic® treatment, which is the process of gradually increasing the size of the upper jaw.


By remodelling the bones in your jaw, we can correct the structure of the airway without surgery.

How the VIVOS System can benefit you


Vivos systems is an innovative treatment option for sleep apnea, snoring, other sleep and TMJ disorders. The DNA appliance is worn in the evening after you eat and while you sleep. By slowly expanding the size of the patient’s jaw, the DNA appliance can eliminate sleep apnea symptoms.

Additional advantages of DNA/mRNA appliance treatment include:

  • They’re nearly invisible

  • They’re comfortable

  • Improved sleep quality

  • The treatment is painless

  • They offer long-term sleep apnea relief

  • Most patients feel the effects of treatment within the first few days or weeks

  • They aren’t noisy like CPAP machines

  • Increased daytime energy

  • Upon completion of treatment, many patients do not require further intervention.


Flow Dental Care is the first VIVOS Provider in Ontario.


We work hand-in-hand with Sleep Doctors, Myofunctional Therapists, ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) Specialists, Chiropractors, and other medical specialists to provide an interdisciplinary approach to your treatment.

Over the past decade, over 14,000 patients have received treatment in the Vivos System – including Dr. Inoue-Cheng's husband and daughters! Dr. Inoue-Cheng was among the first dentists in the world to become a Vivos Integrated Provider, and the first one in Ontario. We utilize a personalized approach and the latest technology to discover the root cause of your breathing issues. If you or your child are good candidates for Vivos, Dr. Inoue-Cheng will then design your treatment plan.

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The VIVOS DNA system is the latest generation of airway treatments and it's being developed and prescribed over the past 20 years, with a large patient base and backed up by scientific studies.


The VIVOS Guides system is the 3rd generation of appliances that started with HealthyStart and Myobraces. It's the culmination of over 50 years of research and development.


Nox T3 Sleep Technology

Nox T3

How you sleep plays a huge role in your overall physical and mental health. Flow Dental Care offers the latest technology in Home Sleep Test (HST) to assess the quality of your sleep, working with sleep doctors to diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).


The Nox T3 (an FDA-approved device) in tandem with the Noxturnal software utilizes cutting-edge technology providing fast and efficient analysis of the patients’ sleep study, in just one night and in the comfort of your home.

Nox T3 has a low failure rate which has been demonstrated in clinical studies, compared to other HST portable monitors. The accuracy of the integrated microphone in the Nox T3 is a reliable tool when detecting snoring and snoring episodes.


The Nox T3 gives us a complete view of your sleep, allowing accurate diagnostics. With the study results, you'll get a diagnosis from a sleep doctor, and will know:

  • If you need treatment, and which one will work best for you

  • If your case can be treated with the tools we offer, or if you need another line of treatment - we work with sleep doctors and will always prescribe what will work for you.


CEREC - Same Day Dentistry

Cerec MC XL Milling Unit.jpg

What is CEREC?

CEREC® technology has revolutionized restorative dental procedures such as crowns, veneers and onlays. Using CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) we now have the ability to design and make your new teeth completely in-house.


No gooey impressions, no temporary crowns and it’s complete in one appointment! Patients spend less time in the dental chair and that means fewer injections and an easier recovery.

Another benefit of CEREC is that it uses a single block of solid ceramic materials instead of pressed ceramic and metal.


The lifespan of a CEREC restoration is longer than similar work with traditional methods. In addition, the colour of CEREC ceramic is closer to the colour of your natural teeth, which will make your restoration virtually unnoticeable.


We use mainly 2 materials for our crowns: Zirconia and Lithium Disilicate Glass (ceramic) - eMax. Zirconia is the first choice for back teeth crowns due to its high strength. It lasts longer than porcelain while holding none of its disadvantages. Lithium Disilicate Glass (eMax) is usually the right choice for front teeth, due to its excellent esthetics, durability, and strength.​

Both materials are stronger than porcelain and have none of the cons, such as allergies or discoloration near the gum line.


Ozone Therapy

Why Ozone?

Are you searching for a whole body dentistry treatment that supports natural healing and is minimally invasive? If so, you’ll want to learn more about the incredible benefits of dental ozone therapy.

Dental ozone therapy is fast becoming one of the most effective treatment options used in dentistry today. This minimally invasive and conservative approach to oral care can be used to:

  • Clear away infections, and cavity-causing bacteria

  • Heal gum infections and support bone regeneration

  • Reduce tooth sensitivity

Holistic dentists have used this procedure for many years, but it has only recently gained significant attention as bacteria become more and more antibiotic-resistant.

Many patients favour it because it’s conservative, painless, minimally invasive, and can dramatically lessen treatment time.

Benefits of Dental Ozone Therapy

Ozone dental therapy can be used for a wide number of applications and Flow Dental Care has incorporated this advanced technology to enhance our treatments for the benefit of our patients’ oral health.

Here are just a few of the reasons why we use Ozone:

It Is Effective In Fighting Decay-Causing Bacteria

  • Ozone is 1.5 times greater than chloride when used as an antimicrobial agent against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. It also has the capacity to stimulate blood circulation and the immune response

  • Because of this, Ozone can often be used to help treat infections that are conventionally treated only physically (through the removal of the biofilm by a dentist or hygienist), or through antibiotics.

  • It can also help disinfect areas of the mouth after a tooth extraction, pre-wash surgical sites, and other similar procedures. 

It Supports Gum Health And Healing

Ozone has been used very successfully to treat periodontal disease. In this procedure, ozonated water is flushed below the gum line and/or ozone gas infiltrated into the gum tissue and supporting tissue to restore the health to the mouth.

It’s Noninvasive

For those with anxiety about dental pain or procedures, ozone therapy can be a fantastic option. It can be used in plaque control, help decrease sensitive tooth necks, and assist in cavity preventions without any invasive tools or discomfort.

It’s All-Natural

Ozone therapy provides a safe and holistic dentistry treatment option for patients who are suffering from a number of oral problems. Dentists are able to remove harmful bacteria without resorting to the use of other products that can have toxic and unhealthy side effects.

There are numerous other potential benefits to this therapy. It may:

  • improve blood circulation and oxygen delivery to tissues in the area

  • enhance metabolism through improved oxygen delivery

  • activate your immune system

  • induce a feeling of overall wellness

Other applications

In addition to the treatments above, our team is always following the latest developments and research in this field.

We use ozone in restorative dentistry, prior to etching and placing dental sealants, root canals and restorations. We can also treat grade I and II level leathery caries (not to be confused with deeper cavities that require fillings), combine ozone with teeth whitening to boost the treatment, and using ozonated gel to improve patient comfort after third molar removal. 




What makes CariVu unique?

DEXIS CariVu is a compact, portable caries detection device that uses unique transillumination technology to support the identification of occlusal, interproximal and recurrent carious lesions and cracks.

  • Uses transillumination technology that makes the enamel appear transparent while porous lesions trap and absorb light

  • Allows the clinician to see through the tooth, exposing its structure and the development of any carious lesions

  • CariVu images read like familiar X-ray images

  • Uses non-ionizing radiation which is ideal for children, pregnant women and patients who are X‑ray averse

CariVu doesn't completely replace our digital x-rays, it complements them when we want to follow a carious lesion more often (so we don't need to drill it if not absolutely necessary) without additional radiation exposure.

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